Saturday, July 2, 2016

Picking the Right Web Host Through a Social Web Hosting Review Website

Expert Author Jamie Gram
Reviews play a very important role in the marketability of a product or service. Before investing money in a venture or service people would want to know about the quality of the service from someone who has invested in it earlier. People choose a web hosting company based on its reputation and reviews given by users. This reputation is again a function of popular reviews.

While launching a new website every company or owner wants his site to be hosted by the best service provider available in the market. Everyone looks for maximum benefits at minimum cost. With thousands of websites being launched every day, hosting services are much in demand. It has become a highly competitive business. This has led to emergence of several cheap web hosts with monthly fees as low as 3 to 5 dollars.

The reviews offered by hosting companies in their websites are limited to their own users. To get an overall comparison of different hosting services one has to depend on websites dedicated to such reviews. An authentic hosting review site offers independent hosting reviews that are mainly based on user feedbacks. A social web hosting review website offers an enquiry platform or forum for the readers. This facilitates interaction with other members and learning from their experiences. These sites have other parameters of comparison based on usage, schemes, bandwidth and storage capacities, quality of the host servers etc.

Just like numerous hosting services, there are thousands of review sites too. It is difficult to judge the authenticity of a review website, especially for someone who is new to the field of web hosting. There are several review websites that are run by hosting companies in order to promote their own services. There are independent review sites that take secret commission from web hosts for promoting their services. Thus possibilities are infinite.

In spite of all the criticisms, people still depend on review sites to get a general comparison. You can rely on good websites recommended by your friends or co-workers but the fact is that you cannot decide your web host based on the feedbacks given by a single website. You should do your own research regarding web hosting and related issues. You should compare the reviews of different websites to get an idea about the common sites that are top rated by most of the review sites. You should notice the difference in the rankings given by various sites. If a site persistently reviews a particular host as the best one while rest of the sites are giving a fairly contrasting review, then you should know better than to believe the reviews of such a site.

The information given in a review site should be up to date. The rates, services, and schemes provided by a host are usually listed in a review. You should compare the details in the reviews with the website of the host and confirm the validity of the information offered. You should check the reviews posted by various private users in the social forums. Once you decide about your host, you should seek the guidance of experienced webmasters before registering your site with the host.

The only place to read webhosts review by honest customers - Hosting Reviews Web [].

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

3 Killer Tips - How to Choose a Web Host

Expert Author Thales Prado
How to choose a web host should not be a hard task, it all depends on what kind of website you're going to host.
When I first begun to build websites I was relying more on the price of the hosting than its quality, that's why I decided to write these 3 tips to help you choose a web hosting that will not let you down.

How to choose a web host - Rule #1 - Liability

Choosing a web host should not be like choosing paper, they are not all alike, so the first tip here is to choose a web host which is responsible and haven't had too many complaints from old customers, it more often happens when the websites get offline because of a spike on its traffic, when it happens your website go offline and you need to contact your hosting company to make them fix it for you, but what if it is an affiliate website and every minute your website is offline you're losing customers?
Which lead us to the next tip.

How to choose a web host - Rule #2 - Support

You want to know how good it is their client support, how long do they generally take to reply to a question from you, if you they have an online chat service which can help you sane your doubts right always, because we all know how frustrating it is to have an issue and having to wait until the next day in order to solve this!

There are many web hosting providers that also provides you with a Toll Free phone number which can be really handful when they don't reply your messages and/or the chat is full and you are like the #20 on the line to talk to their support team.

How to choose a web host - Rule #3 - Additional's

There are 3 things that I find paramount when choosing a web hosting additional's:

  1. Bandwidth: If your web hosting offers a low amount of bandwidth, prepare to get in trouble, once you have an increase of your traffic and let's say your bandwidth is only 2000 Mb, what is going to happen is that your website will get offline, and you won't know it, because they don't tell you your website is offline due to Exceeded Bandwidth. And you'll have to pay more for additional bandwidth. So keep it in mind before you choose a web hosting that is "cheap", in the end, you'll have to pay more anyway.
  2. Databases: Unlimited Databases, if they don't offer it, I just skip.
  3. Disk Space: Unlimited as well, is not like you're going to use all the space they offer, but you never know, I'd rather choosing a web hosting with loads of disk space than choosing one that is limited.

Now if you're still confused or don't know much web hosting providers, click on the link below and you'll be taken to a comparative chart which you'll find the top 10 web hosting providers [], so you don't have to browse the web looking for the best web hosting company, we already did it for you. How to choose a web host now is a piece of cake since we already have done the research for you.


Backup WordPress, Transfer To A New Web-Host and Change The URL

Expert Author David T Goodwin
Backup Your Website To Your Computer
  1. Download a copy of Filezilla, it's a rock solid open-source program for everyone to use for free.

  2. Get your current web-hosting FTP information (usually found in the web-host's Control Panel information or your web-host's website information page).

  3. Install Filezilla, when installed input your FTP login information in the "Site Manager".

  4. Make sure that you can successfully connect to your hosting space and view the files contained within displayed on the right pane.

  5. Find a suitable local backup location, preferably on a removable hard drive or on your own computer's file system on the left pane, example: C:UsersMeWebsiteBackup.

  6. In Filezilla with example: C:UsersMeWebsiteBackup selected in the left side pane, right click on the root of your website directory in the right pane and choose to "download".

  7. If Filezilla prompts for a duplicate file message, choose the "rename" option and just rename the files index1.HTML, index2.HTML and so forth. You can monitor the completed and errored downloads on the below tabs in Filezilla.
Change Your Database Name, User and Password in Wp-Config
1. Download with FileZilla the WP-Config file in the root of your WordPress installation or edit it by using the built in edit function in your web-host's Control Panel. Make a copy for safe keeping in case something goes wrong.
2. Change the following values DB_NAME, DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD to reflect your new database name, username and password: <?php
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'Your Database Name');
define('DB_USER', 'Your Database Username');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'Your Database Password')
Save your changes and upload the file back into your hosting space if needed, overwriting the original.
Edit Your Functions.php Temporarily
Note: To minimize excessive linking, "*example" will be used in place of you typing in your own website's address complete with the h.t.t.p:// <--- please leave out the periods when typing it in.
1. We will tell WordPress about your Domain Name change without actually logging in using the functions.php file. This file can be found in your Wp-contents/themes/ folder. If one is not present you can create one using notepad or a similar program and naming it functions.php.
2. Make a copy for safe keeping in case something goes wrong. Open functions.php up for editing, either locally or editing in your Control Panel.
Replace the *example with your new domain name:
3. Save your changes and upload the file back into your hosting space if needed, overwriting the original or just choose save if editing within the Control Panel.
4. Access your WordPress site "*example" x3 times and then attempt to login "*example/ wp-admin". At this point you will be able to login or choose the password reset option to do so.
You can now remove the:
From functions.php
Clean Up Any Traces of Your Old Domain (Optional)
Note: This is optional, use only if your website still appears to be broken.
1. We will use a small program called Search and Replace DB2, grab a copy of Search and Replace DB2 here.
2. Download, extract and rename the Search and Replace DB2.php to whatever you like just leaving the.php extension.
3. Upload the renamed Search and Replace DB2.php into the root directory of your WordPress installation directory.
4. Then in your web browser, go to *example/renamedfile.php
5. Just follow the onscreen instructions to replace all instances of your old domain to your new one. *Note: you may have to run this a couple of times.
6. When this has been completed, for security purposes, please delete the Search and Replace DB2 renamed file from your web-space.
For more information, please travel to:
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